Submission from Thalidomide victims Germany

To the Australian Government Senate,

On behalf of the Interessenverband Contergangeschädigter NRW e.V.  we would like to support the Australian Thalidomide victims in their quest for financial and healthcare support from the Australian Government.

In Germany various compensation packages for German Thalidomide victims were established. These packages allow victims to live a dignified life. Receiving pensions and other financial support for healthcare from the government makes it possible for victims to achieve a higher quality of life. Furthermore, a better health situation is ensured, if the victims have enough money to invest in their health.

It is a crucial necessity that the health and financial wellbeing of your group of Thalidomide victims is taken seriously. It should be made possible that the victims can live their lives without financial worries. Getting appropriate health healthcare is a must. Please support the Thalidomide victims now – time is running out as most victims now older than 50 years are increasingly struggling with serious medical consequential damages, severe pain and psychosocial problems. They urgently need your support.

Yours sincerely,

Udo Herterich

President of

Interessenverband Contergangeschädigter

Nordrhein-Westfalen e.V.

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